sábado, 7 de março de 2009

How to help people with negative feelings?

There are many people who suffers from negative feelings.
These people aren't doomed! They can be helped!


The first step that people with this problem need to do is:

- Ask their parents for help;
- Ask their friends for help;
- Search for help on their own.

It depends of what and with the problem is.


The second step is:

- Search for a specialist, like:
- Psychiatrists;
- Psychologists.

If you can't have none of them, a good friend is not bad either!


The third and last step:

- Heal yourself;
- Enjoy your life as best as you can;
- Be happy, you deserve it!

3 comentários:

  1. Good advice. Enjoy life, that's something we should do every day :) I really like the picture! xD

  2. ''Be happy Damnit!''
    Hahahaha I like it :D
