domingo, 8 de março de 2009

Bullying is a english term used to describe acts of physical violence or psychological, intentional and repeated, performed by an individual or a group of individuals with the purpose to intimidate or harm another individual (or group of individuals) unable (s) to defend . There are also the victims / aggressors, or author / targets, which commit attacks at certain times, but are also victims of bullying by class.

Places of bullying:

- Schools

- Workplace

- Neighbors

- Politics

- Military

Types of bullying:

- Repeated physical attacks against a person;

- Spread negative rumors about the victim;

- Make the victim do what she does not want to threatening the victim to follow the orders;

- Making derogatory comments about the family of a person on the place where he lives, personal appearance, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, income level, nationality or any inferiority;

- And many more forms to intimidate a person who is victim of bullying...


According to the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, a refugee is a person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution.


Homosexuality is the attribute, the character or quality of a being human or not that is homosexual (gay = Greek + Latin sexus equal = sex), and broad sense, is defined by physical attraction, emotional and aesthetic beings between the same sex.

In my opinion, a homosexual man is equal to any other person who is heterosexual, only by saying that does not like a person of the opposite sex. In this case, also applies to racism, not racism by ethnic group, or by color of skin but by the choices that people have sex. We have to judge the people for their sexual choices but by what they are with us.

In other times there was this freedom that today, but now there are many people to admit they are homosexuals. Maybe you did earlier by bad reaction of society?

sábado, 7 de março de 2009


Feminism is the belief that women should have equal political, social, sexual, intellectual and economic rights to men. It involves various movements, theories, and philosophies, all concerned with issues of gender difference, that advocate equality for women and that campaign for women's rights and interests. According to some, the history of feminism can be divided into three waves. The first wave was in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the second was in the 1960s and 1970s, and the third extends from the 1990s to the present. Feminist theory emerged from these feminist movements. It is manifest in a variety of disciplines such as feminist geography, feminist history and feminist literary criticism.
Feminism has altered predominant perspectives in a wide range of areas within Western society, ranging from culture to law. Feminist activists have campaigned for women's legal rights (rights of contract, property rights, voting rights); for women's right to bodily integrity and autonomy, for abortion rights, and for reproductive rights (including access to contraception and quality prenatal care); for protection from domestic violence, sexual harassment and rape; for workplace rights, including maternity leave and equal pay; and against other forms of discrimination.

Advantages of Diversity

"Diversity seems to create so many heated discussions. This is truly astonishing, especially in the United States of America. People seem to forget that a ripe mixture of cultures, religions, and social status founded the United States." Some people create some discussions but they forgot that diversity is positive.

Why? I think that the diversity is trully important because we learn new things with other people from other cultures.


How to help people with negative feelings?

There are many people who suffers from negative feelings.
These people aren't doomed! They can be helped!


The first step that people with this problem need to do is:

- Ask their parents for help;
- Ask their friends for help;
- Search for help on their own.

It depends of what and with the problem is.


The second step is:

- Search for a specialist, like:
- Psychiatrists;
- Psychologists.

If you can't have none of them, a good friend is not bad either!


The third and last step:

- Heal yourself;
- Enjoy your life as best as you can;
- Be happy, you deserve it!

sexta-feira, 6 de março de 2009

Religion types

Religion types :

There are four universal religions, which are:

- Buddhism;
- Hinduism;
- Islam;
- Christianity.

So, I'm going talk about de Christianity because it's my religion...

Christianity is the religion more widespread, extending to all continents. The Christian faith, which originated in Palestine 2000 years ago, recognizes only one God. Considers its founder, Jesus Christ as the incarnation of God. Christianity claims to Trinitarian doctrine, ie the doctrine of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, which are three persons in one nature. The sacred book of Christians is the Bible. Christianity is divided into three major faiths: the Roman Catholic, the Eastern Orthodox and Protestant.

There is evidence that 2100 million people are Christian, that is, Christianity is the religion that contains most of the people following Islam.